Tea-Mocktail: Spicy Rooibos
Spicy Roobios Mocktail
How do you prepare a cocktail that is spicy and delicious, but theine-free? Simple! Use Spicy Rooibos based on red rooibos, orange peel, cardamom, cinnamon and ginger. Rooibos, though long known as "red tea", is in fact a small shrub grown in the north of Cape Province in South Africa, and is naturally theine-free. In taste, however, it is very similar to black tea and has the same anti-oxidant properties as tea.
- Spicy Rooibos - 5 bags or 10 grams
- Cinnamon .................................................................1 long stick
- Orange .................................................................... 1 zest
- Pink peppercorns and cloves ...................................2 or 3
- Sugar cane syrup (optional) ................................... 1 drizzle
- Steep the rooibos in a saucepan containing a litre of water (4 cups) at room temperature for 1 hour. Remove the bags or strain.
- Pour the rooibos into the carafe, add the spices, the stick of cinnamon with the orange zest tied around it, and the drizzle of sugar cane syrup (if wished). Add ice if desire.
- Serve in transparent stemmed glasses.
- You can also place the other ingredients directly in the serving glasses and simply pour the rooibos over them.
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