Latte Art Painting


Ensure that the milk/foam blend is as homogenous and smooth as possible. Continually keep the pitcher in a swirling motion until you are about to start pouring the milk. The surface should be glossy and smooth.
If there are a few visible bubbles, tap the milk pitcher a few times on the counter.

Aim for the center
Begin pouring, aiming for the center of the coffee. The pitcher should not be too close to the cup, otherwise the white foam will stay on the surface.

Continue filling and raise the pitcher 10 cms above the cup. The milk will go directly to the bottom ensuring a uniform colour of crema on the surface. Keep aiming for the center.

At 3/4 full, lower the pitcher towards the surface of the coffee. Staying close to the surface of the coffee, increase the flow by tilting the pitcher in order to pour more foam. The white should start to appear on the surface.

Continue pouring without changing your flow rate. Ripple slightly and when a pattern begins to form, direct the spout of the pitcher towards the center of the pattern, and that’s it! :)


> ADVANCED TECHNIQUE: to make a heart: lightly, slow down the flow and pour a thin stream of milk, cutting across the white circle.

> EVEN MORE ADVANCED TECHNIQUE: to make a rosetta: just before the circle forms, ripple slightly while moving the pitcher forward, then move the pitcher back while continuing to ripple. Finish by cutting through the pattern with a thin stream of milk as with the heart.

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